Potential authors are encouraged to submit their materials written in the following genres, with the typical volumes recommended by our journal provided in parentheses (merely text, excluding abstracts, extended summary, tables, figure captions, acknowledgements, funding notes, ethics details, conflict of interest section, and references):
● Research (original) article (up to 80 000 typographic characters with gaps (spaces));
● Review article (up to 120 000 characters with gaps (spaces));
● Brief communication (up to 20 000 characters with gaps (spaces));
● Viewpoint (the same volume);
● Letter to the Editor (normally around 5 000, but not more than 10 000 characters with gaps (spaces));
● Review to a book (up to 40 000 characters with gaps (spaces));
● Note / Report about a Scientific event (around 2 000 to 3 000 characters with gaps (spaces)).
Each manuscript shall contain:
- 1
Title page with author name, affiliation, address, email and phone, and title of the paper
- 2
Abstract (50–150 words) on the second page
- 3
Key words (5–15) on the second page
- 4
Text of the manuscript starting from the third page, including all graphic material and tables
- 5
Acknowledgement, Funding and Conflict of interest sections in English
- 6
References properly formatted in Latin script
- 7
Extended summary in English (around 500 words)
- 8
Figures as separate graphic files, if any
- 9
Supplementary Materials as separate files, if any
additional information