In citations, please use the Journal's full name The Becon: Journal for Studying Ideologies and Mental Dimensions or abbreviated name Beacon J. Stud. Ideol. Ment. Dimens. only. We use DOI and HANDLE for referencing articles in the Journal. Please always use at least DOI when you refer to The Beacon: Journal for Studying Ideologies and Mental Dimensions. Along with volume number, it may give you a means of unambiguous locating an article over the Internet. DOIs are resolved via A HANDLE number is resolved just as a DOI, with the proxy URL If you see that an article has a HANDLE 20.500.12656/thebeacon.1.010100000, add it to the proxy URL and you will receive, i.e. the permanent link to the article in the Internet.
Please use the Article ID and DOI when quoting our materials.
Lysenko, Lyudmila A. 2018. “The Beacon: A new journal for studying ideologies.” Beacon J. Stud. Ideol. Ment. Dimens. 1, 010100000.
– a two-digit number of the issue within the volume;
– a two-digit number of the article within the issue;
– a one-digit code of the article type:
– a two-digit code of the language:
– a two-digit code of the main article's scope of knowledge.
The Article ID specification system has a considerable advantage over the usual straight-through page specification of the contributions.
Of all the references lost (the input errors in reference data bases), there are:
Article ID
page numbers